Artist FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions from Artists and Sellers on uploading and selling artworks on Cohart

How much does it cost?

What is Cohart’s take-rate?

If I’m an artist with a gallery, how does it work?

How do I grow my Cohart community?

Can I sell my art under a business name or an alias?

Does my business need to be registered?

Do I lose any rights to the art that I sell through you?

Can I still sell my artwork, or prints of my artwork on other websites or platforms?

If a collector finds me through your website and they go to my website to purchase art, will you charge me a commission?

Are there a minimum / maximum number of artworks that need to be in my storefront?

Does Cohart only list original artworks? Or can I sell prints and or other merchandise with my artwork on it?

Why list on Cohart vs other platforms?

How do I sell on Cohart?

Does Cohart own inventory and sell artwork itself?

How long does the verification process take?

How does Cohart evaluate sellers?

What is my Seller Fee / Cohart’s Commission on Sales?

When do sellers get paid?

Does Cohart collect sales tax?

What if I am exempt from sales tax?

Do sellers pay for shipping?

My items just sold. What should I do next?

When I make a sale, do I ship my artwork to Cohart?

How do I ship the items I've sold?

How do I get my prepaid shipping label?

How does the authentication work?

What's the best way to pack and ship my artwork to Cohart for authentication?

It has been a while and I haven't received my payout. What is going on?

How do I cash out from my Cohart account?

Can a buyer’s experience affect my seller standing with Cohart?

Can I cancel my sale?

What happens if I don't ship in time?

Why was my Seller Account suspended?

How much does Cohart cost?


Like all the best things in life, Cohart is free.

What is Cohart’s take-rate?


Artists receive 95% of their total earnings, with Cohart charging a 5% transaction fee to cover payment processing, logistics, insurance, authentication, support and all other services. A breakdown of fees is provided to every artist when they make a sale.

If I’m an artist with a gallery, how does it work?


We do not facilitate sales between artists and galleries. Any artist with a gallery can showcase their work on Cohart. Any galleries can also build profiles on Cohart.

Can I sell my art under a business name or an alias?


Absolutely! You can use a business name, personal name, or artist alias as your public display name on your Cohart profile.

Does my business need to be registered?


You're responsible for complying with any governmental or state regulations that might apply to your business. We will request that you fill out appropriate tax paperwork (eg a w8 or w9) annually in order to issue your earnings on sales.

Do I lose any rights to the art that I sell through you?


No! You retain rights to your artwork. We do reserve the right to use your artworks in promotional marketing efforts, but if you're uncomfortable with that, you can always let us know here.

Can I still sell my artwork, or prints of my artwork on other websites or platforms?


Yes, we are a non-exclusive platform, so you're welcome to list your works on any other websites that you'd like, while listing on Cohart.

Are there a minimum / maximum number of artworks that need to be in my storefront?


Nope, you just need 3 artworks uploaded initially in order to become verified. After that you can maintain your storefront as you like.

Does Cohart only list original artworks? Or can I sell prints and or other merchandise with my artwork on it?


As a visual art platform, we support the listing of original works of art, as well as limited and open edition prints (photography, screen printing, digital prints, etc). At this time we aren’t able to support additional types of merchandise with art printed on it (such as apparel, homewares, etc).

Why list on Cohart vs other platforms?


We’re founded, led, and run by artists and art lovers, for artists and art lovers. We built Cohart because we want to see artists not just sustain, but scale their careers.

Cohart allows you to directly connect with collectors and curators, while getting full, hands-on support from a team of experts who can help with everything from pricing - to ensure you get maximum market value for your work - to shipping and production logistics.

  • We provide both you and the buyer with sales and shipping support, fraud prevention, handling of returns, and anything else that comes up along the way.
  • Buyers who purchase from Cohart are automatically invited to join your collector community, so you can stay connected and grow your network.

You control your own storefront, presenting yourself the way you want. Tell your story in a compelling way that showcases who you are alongside your available works. Manage your relationships with your fans and collectors all from a single dashboard.

And we do it all, for less. We only take a 5% transaction fee, meaning you make more selling with us than on other online marketplaces, or in galleries.

How do I sell on Cohart?


You must become a verified artist to enable your e-commerce storefront on your Cohart profile. Read more about becoming verified, here.

Does Cohart own inventory and sell artwork itself?


No, artworks listed on Cohart come directly from a living and practicing artist’s studio.

When do sellers get paid?


Sellers get paid after the work has been delivered to the buyer, and there being no dispute, cancelation, or returns. Read more in our Terms of Sale.

Does Cohart collect sales tax?


We collect sales tax or VAT in accordance with the buyer's location, and these taxes are remitted by our company. At the close of the fiscal year, artists are responsible for fulfilling their individual income tax obligations, and we facilitate this process by providing the necessary tax forms, including W8 or W9.

What if I am exempt from sales tax?


We collect sales tax or VAT in accordance with the buyer's location, and these taxes are remitted by our company. Additionally, at the close of the fiscal year, artists are responsible for fulfilling their individual income tax obligations, and we facilitate this process by providing the necessary tax forms, including W8 or W9.

Do sellers pay for shipping?


No, the cost of shipping is paid for at checkout by the buyer.

My items just sold. What should I do next?


We will reach out via email and send you a prepaid shipping label, a Certificate of Authenticity to fill out, guidelines for packaging your work, and then we will schedule a time for a pickup/drop off of your artwork with the courier.

When I make a sale, do I ship my artwork to Cohart?


Artists ship directly to the buyer. Our support team will provide you with the necessary information and documentation to do so.

How do I ship the items I've sold?


Please see our shipping and packaging guidelines on how to ship your item(s).

How does the authentication work?


We verify that you are a practicing artist, and as part of our process, we require you to sign a certificate of authenticity. This certificate is then included in the shipment of your artwork. We are actively working towards implementing blockchain-enabled certificates of authenticity, and loyalty programs to further enhance the trust and security of your art transactions.

How do I cash out from my Cohart account?


To facilitate cashing out from your Cohart account, you have the option to choose from wire transfer, PayPal, or Venmo. We are actively moving towards a direct deposit payment system.

Can a buyer’s experience affect my seller standing with Cohart?


Yes, quality issues with the artwork or the packaging can create issues with buyers. We provide guidelines for packaging to help ensure the best experience for your collectors.

Can I cancel my sale?


Yes. Please let us know as soon as possible if you need to cancel your sale.

What happens if I don't ship in time?


In the event that you are unable to meet your scheduled shipping pickup or drop-off date, please notify us as soon as possible. This will enable us to promptly reschedule and make every effort to expedite the shipment of your artwork. Your timely communication is greatly appreciated.

Why was my Seller Account suspended?


If your Seller Account has been suspended, please contact our support team for further assistance and clarification regarding the specific reasons for the suspension. They will be able to provide you with guidance on how to address the situation and potentially reinstate your account.