Buyers FAQs

Here are some frequently asked questions from Buyers on buying artworks on Cohart

We verify the artist and they provide a certificate of authenticity to assure the work is created by this artist and originates from their legitimate studio.

How do I ensure the artists are trustworthy?

Cohart's art authentication service was established to ensure the integrity and authenticity of every piece of art sold on our platform. Our commitment to being the most trusted platform for buying and selling art is paramount. Buyers can purchase with trust and confidence. Verified artists have a green checkmark on their profiles. We’ve thoroughly vetted each verified artist to ensure the artists you purchase work from are reputable and authentic. Our team checks in with all of our artists regularly to ensure their profile info and artwork listings are current. This keeps them accountable to you and the Cohart community. Read more here.

What if my artwork breaks after I purchase it?

If your artwork arrives damaged, please inform us within 48 hours of receipt, and we will facilitate the return process. Beyond this initial window, kindly contact us via email, and the artist may offer assistance with repairs or guide you to a reputable restoration company as appropriate.

What if I can't find the artwork I want?

If you need assistance finding artwork, contact and our team of art experts will work with you one-on-one to find an artwork that you love!