1. Support
  2. Guidelines and Policies

Community Guidelines

At Cohart, we are committed to creating a safe and respectful community for all our members. Here are some guidelines we ask you to follow:

Cohart Principles

  • Respect the individuals of the community: We are a diverse community and everyone must respect the beliefs, interests, aesthetic perspectives, and values of others. We do not tolerate hate speech, rude or abusive behavior, bullying, or misogyny. Please report anyone who does not follow these behavioral guidelines.
  • Diversity is our DNA: Anyone is welcome to join Cohart. We celebrate our differences, and we expect you to as well. Please respect all voices, visions, and identities. We do not tolerate discriminatory behavior or hate speech in any way, shape, or form.
  • Human connection is paramount: Cohart brings emotional connectivity and value to the creative exchanges and objects in our lives. We invite you to see through the lens of human connection. Express yourself authentically through whatever medium speaks to you. Share dynamic content to prompt dialogues. Let’s discover, connect, and build together.
  • Execute with authentic excellence: We expect you to maintain the authenticity of your voice, vision, and work. Please do not misrepresent yourself and help us curate how this grows going forward.
  • Be yourself: We reject the "standards" of anything and encourage you to get inspired but stay true to yourself. Be eccentric. Be an individual.
  • Speak up: Do not hesitate to reach out to us for support. Our co-founders are all reachable via Discord, Twitter, or email. We promise to address the issue, whether it be technical or social.
  • Inclusionary: Be respectful of everyone and welcome those who may be new to discovering their own art or creative worlds.
  • Participate and collaborate: Jump in. Express yourself. Talk to a stranger. Share a compliment. Pay forward creativity. It’s contagious.

Content Safety

We stay aligned with Apple’s Guidelines to filter content. As an art platform, we also hold the right to take out content that doesn’t fit into the category of art. If you are unsure about your content, please reach out to us at support@cohart.com.

Violence and threats

We do not allow for statements, behavior, imagery, or any kind of violence-advocating acts or content on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Content that can lead to online or offline harm
  • Animal murder or abuse
  • Disturbing footage of accidents, war, terrorism, murder, suicide
  • Glorifying perpetrators of violence or violent events
  • Violent threats against an identifiable target

Hateful behavior

We do not welcome any kind of hateful content. The hateful attacks include but are not limited to the ones towards one’s race, ethnicity, identity, sex, sexual orientation, gender, religion, and disability. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Content with logos, symbols, flags, slurs, negative stereotypes, uniforms, salutes, gestures, caricatures, illustrations
  • Degrading individuals or groups based on the attributes named above
  • Promoting exclusion of certain individuals or groups based on the attributes named above
  • Using harmful or demeaning stereotypes

Bullying and harassment

We do not welcome any content or activity that harasses someone or encourages other people to do so. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Being wishful that someone experiences physical or emotional harm
  • Degrading, shaming, and intimidating others
  • Content that glorifies violent tragedies or disparages victims
  • Attempting to blackmail, dox, or out others

Nudity and sexually explicit content

We are not a place for sexual or pornographic material. Overtly sexualized content (including content digitally created or enhanced and fine art) that disrupts this experience is not permitted on our platform. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Nudity, sexually explicit, or pornographic content
  • A sexual fetish, sexual arousal, groping, or any sexual activity
  • Sexualized language or sexualized comments, emojis, texts, or other graphics
  • Soliciting or threatening to release non-consensual intimate imagery or messages in an attempt to cause financial, emotional, or physical harm to somebody
  • Soliciting or offering sexual services for money or other consideration

For fine art & photography, the content must be non-sexualized that does not appear to arouse or is not overtly focused on genitals.

We have a zero-tolerance policy for content or acts that risk minor safety. Any content that does not comply with minor safety will be reported to the relevant authorities or law enforcement.


We do not welcome any exploitative behavior or content towards people or animals. This includes but is not limited to:

  • Non-consensual or inappropriate images/videos/discussions
  • Any content that suggests human trafficking, slavery, or compulsory labor,
  • Any content that suggests harmful activity towards animals, or endangered life such as graphic hunting photos, or humans.

Self-harm and dangerous behavior

We do not allow for activities and content that could lead to suicide, self-harm, or other dangerous behaviors to one’s health. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Encouragement of suicide or self-harm
  • Content that provides instructions on how to commit self-harm
  • Promotion of challenges involving potential or actual risk of harm
  • Content that glorifies dangerous weight loss tactics

If you are having thoughts of suicide, self-harm, or other behaviors dangerous to your well-being, please visit findahelpline.com and enter your current country of residence to access free and confidential support. In the U.S. you can call Lifeline at 988 or text HOME to 741741.

Authenticity and integrity

We do not allow for activities and content that disturb the authenticity or integrity of our community. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Creating, spreading, or engaging in spammy behavior
  • Impersonating a person or organization
  • Sharing synthetic or manipulated content that may mislead community members
  • Uploading information that contains malware, spyware, or other materials that are malicious to the Cohart platform or others
  • Posting misleading information meant to incite harm, fear, panic, or disrupt civic processes

At Cohart, you should not be pretending to be another person. Alter egos are fine though, take creative license to present yourself in whatever way feels true to who you are.

We strongly advise against copying and pasting the same message to every connection. We encourage our users to read profiles, learn about other people’s interests, and send an appropriate, relevant message to each connection. Not only will this increase your chances of engaging in interesting conversations yourself, but it will also ensure the community collectively stays engaged in valuable dialogue as a whole.

Illegal activities

Illegal activity is not tolerated at Cohart. Publishing or engaging with any content that violates laws and regulations may result in being banned or restricted from the site, and/or being reported to the authorities. Illegal content includes but may not be limited to:

  • Content involving sexual exploitation and abuse (including overt nudity implying or displaying sexual acts or fetishes)
  • Content involving the consumption of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs by a minor, or the consumption of banned substances by any individual
  • Content involving bullying, harassment, blackmail, or doxing (sharing individual’s private information or aggregating their public information)
  • Content involving threats, inciting violence, and other criminal activities (such as assault or kidnapping) or spreading hateful misinformation
  • Content involving plagiarism or claiming another person’s intellectual property without crediting the creator appropriately

Reporting content

Cohart aims to foster both a supportive and safe environment for users. While we value your freedom of creative expression, we do ask that you consider whether your content may contain adult content or depict triggering subjects and how they may cause emotional distress to your audience. When leaving a comment, sending a message, or uploading your art, please indicate whether they contain sensitive content by flagging it.

We allow users to report the content they see in our app that violates the policy.

What happens when you violate these terms?

These terms apply to all content on Cohart, including live streams, video, audio, images, comments, links, or any other text.

We use automated systems and a team of moderators to monitor and review accounts and messages for content that indicates breaches of these Guidelines and our Terms of Service. If you don’t follow these guidelines, your content violating our terms will be removed, and you’ll receive a warning via email (unless our team decides to block or restrict access without warning at our discretion).

If you ignore this warning, you risk losing your account. In case of multiple or severe violations, we will permanently deactivate your account, and you will receive a notice via email.